We believe that having healthy, meaningful relationships
is essential to a life worth living.
Life is about relationships of all kinds. The Enneagram is a remarkable
tool for self-discovery and improving relationships. With a basic
knowledge of the Enneagram, people not only gain great insights
into who they are and why they behave the way they do, but they
also gain a quick appreciation of and great compassion for others.
They quickly realize that others are also doing the best they
can with their own issues, just like themselves.
Great personal wisdom arises from the realization that we must
have a positive relationship with ourselves, as individuals --
first. Only when we have faced our own fears, needs and issues,
and genuinely love and appreciate ourselves will we be willing
to really show up and be vulnerable enough to engage in meaningful
relationships and share our gifts with the people we love and
with the world.
The process of creating compatibility in your relationships really
begins with you having a basic understanding of your own Enneagram
type first. Knowing who you are and why you do what you do is
the foundation. |